Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas is absolutley my favorite holiday of the year. Since Del and I have gotten married we have started alot of different traditions especially now that we have two amazing kids to share this holiday with. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to get a real christmas tree for christmas and I wanted to cut it down every year with the kids, well we did that for a few years until we discovered Del and Shane have major allergies. So that tradition is out the door. The next tradition I always wanted was to go to candlelight service at church. So now that Del and I have found this amazing church in Forney ( C-Life) we have started our new tradition of Christmas Eve candle light service and the kids love it. After church we go home and make cookies for Santa and read a book or watch a movie until the kids are asleep. Here are pictures from Christmas Eve at The Stracner's.

The tree

Shane's Santa's presents

Brooke's Santa's presents

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